Have You Really Missed Buying BAT at Low Prices?
If you are like the thousands of people who are relatively new to BAT, just learning about this project now that the price has gone up about 400% in the last few months, you may be worried that you missed out on some great gains. After all, do you really want to buy in to a token that has 4x’d already? Fear not my friend, let me explain to you why BAT at today’s price of between $.80 and $.85 is actually still the best deal in crypto.
I’ll try to be brief.
First of all, the prices of BAT are still well under a dollar. If you haven’t already, take a minute to read my article on 10 reasons why BAT may hit $10 in 2021. It just goes over 10 upcoming announcements or projects that BAT/Brave is working on that could easily cause the price to rocket up.
Ok, sure. This is crypto. Nobody cares about future news, right? Or maybe it is already priced in? (hint, it is not).
Fine. I’ll show you why BAT is the best deal in crypto using another method. This one, in my opinion, is actually even more convincing. This is the reason why when I have fiat money in my pocket, I have no qualms about buying at these prices, and I still won’t hesitate after BAT doubles in price again.
When most people (especially those who have only been interested in crypto for a year or two) look at the price of BAT, they see how much it costs in US dollars ($.82 as of this writing) or their own local fiat currency. A better option, however, is to compare it to Bitcoin since, for good or evil, Bitcoin still dictates the overall direction of the crypto market.
So, the price of 1 BAT today is about 1444 SATs (if you don’t know what a SAT is, google it. This is basic information you should absolutely know whenever considering crypto investing). The lowest BAT-BTC price I was able to find was around 600 SATs, which was late 2020. So, compared to Bitcoin, BAT has just over doubled in price from the all time low to today. Still, do you want to buy a token that has doubled in value? Keep reading.
The highest price BAT has ever seen in US Dollars is around $.95-.98 depending on where you look. So, we haven’t even reached an all time high in fiat. The highest BAT has ever been in SATs is around 8800–9500 SATs, depending on where you look. So, on the BAT-BTC pair, BAT still has to go up by well over 600% to reach the all time highs. As of today, the US dollar price, if it were at say 9000 SAT would be $5.10 per BAT.
This alone should make you realize that no, you have absolutely not missed the boat on buying low on BAT. But let’s go further.
What’s Changed
The all time high for BAT-BTC took place around June of 2017. At that time, Brave/BAT barely had a working browser. They had essentially no users. No advertisers. Nothing but an exciting whitepaper and a dream.
Today, Brave has well over 25 million monthly users, active ad campaigns from some of the world’s biggest companies, monthly growth in users that is extremely impressive, a mind-blowing roadmap, over a million content creators, and much much more.
Now, I like Bitcoin. I hold Bitcoin, and I think Bitcoin has a massive future in the world. BUT. Please tell me what has improved (other than the price) on Bitcoin? Nothing. Which is fine, since Bitcoin is awesome at being Bitcoin. In comparison, however, it is impossible to suggest that the value of BAT compared to bitcoin has gone down by 400% in the last 3–4 years. If anything, it has gone up. Dramatically.
So, to sum up. If you are buying BAT at anything under $5, you are still getting an incredible discount. You are early. This is your opportunity to get into the next 10x or even 100x token that you have been wishing for.
Of course, do your own research. If you think I’m wrong, I would love to hear arguments to suggest that BAT doesn’t have an insane amount of upside ahead of it. I’ll wait.