Will Advertisers Want to Run Campaigns on Brave? Existing Campaigns Say Yes!
The Brave browser has recently released their latest numbers, which show that they now boast over 29 million monthly users (up nearly 4 million from the previous month). On top of that, the vast majority of people who use the Brave browser are extremely happy with its performance. While that is obviously important, the real question is whether Brave Ads will be able to produce results and attract advertisers, since they are the ones who will allow Brave to continue to operate. Of course, more advertisers also means more opportunities to earn BAT for users of the browser.
Most people who use Brave have seen that there are quite a few big companies that currently run campaigns on the platform. Some of them are crypto focused, such as Blockfi. Many others are major companies like Amazon, eBay, Canada Dry and others. This is definitely good news, but will this translate to long term ad campaigns on the platform?
Brave and Dentsu International (the 5th largest advertising agency in the world) recently released a report that illustrated just how effective Brave ads are for companies that use them. That was an important piece of proof, but honestly, who really reads those types of reports anyway?
Well, I was recently shown some data that really illustrates just how effective Brave ads are in an easy to understand way.
Alexa is a web service that ranks the popularity of every significant site in the world based on internet traffic. Check out these graphs for various companies that have run ad campaigns over the past 90 days.
Canada Dry (CanadaDry.com)
First is Canada Dry, which ran not only the standard popup ads, but also had a beautiful ‘new tab’ ad that was very well received. As you can see from this chart, from the time they launched their Brave ad campaign until today they moved from being the 892,694th biggest site to being the 406,074th. Incredible.
BlockFi (BlockFi.com)
BlockFi had similarly impressive results. 90 days ago they ranked number 7330 in terms of highest traffic websites. After they ran their ad campaign, they improved all the way to number 3269! This is absolutely incredible growth for such a short period of time.
Exodus (Exodus.com)
Exodus is a crypto wallet company that was ranked 589,330 just 90 days ago, and today, since they ran a Brave Ads campaign, they are ranked 15,374th. Literally moving from obscurity to being one of the top 16k sites in the world so quickly. Obviously they are thrilled with the results of this campaign.
Upland (Upland.me)
Upland is a fun new game that brings together world building excitement with crypto based collectibles. Prior to running their Brave Ads campaign, they were ranked around #73,500. Today they are ranked #48,812!
Lending Tree (LendingTree.com)
Lending Tree is a very pouplar lending company that used Brave ads to grow from number 7714 all the way to 6025. When you get into the top 10,000 largest websites, it can be extremely difficult to move up in the rankings. To be able to improve by nearly 2000 slots in just 90 days is incredible.
Motley Fool (Fool.com)
The Motley Fool has long been a hugely popular site that give out investment advice to their readers. They were ranked #854 90 days ago, which is quite high. After running the ad campaign, they are now ranked #578!
Many Many More
These are just a few of the different companies that ran ad campaigns on Brave and saw amazing growth. There are many others that saw similar results. The satisfaction of these companies is further illustrated by the fact that many of them are continuously renewing their ad campaigns to keep this growth going.
Imagine how many companies will want to run ads on this system once the self-serve platform is launched! Companies today are desperate for new and effective advertising opportunities. The numbers above prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the Brave Ads platform can deliver the results companies need.